Exclusive Training by the World’s Top Chiro Coach Reveals:

How Overworked Chiropractors Can Quickly and Effectively “Clone Themselves” to Free Up Their Own Time While Earning More and Reducing Stress and Frustration...

With Limited Time and No Budget and

Even if You Currently Have ‘Sub-Par’ Employees

Exclusive Training by the World’s Top Chiro Coach Reveals:

How Overworked Chiropractors Can Quickly and Effectively “Clone Themselves” to Free Up Their Own Time While Earning More and Reducing Stress and Frustration...

With Limited Time and

No Budget and

Even if You Currently Have

‘Sub-Par’ Employees

Discover how even the most frustrated and (formerly) overworked Chiropractors are using my PROVEN system to transform their practices into lucrative businesses with a healthy, effective, high-performing TEAM that runs (almost) on auto-pilot even in 2021.

Even better...this “System” is as plug-and-play as it gets...It doesn’t require months or days of useless rah-rah “team-building” or mind-numbing “educational” seminars…

In fact, after just 12-hours you will possess the exact tools you need to have a TEAM that isn’t merely a gaggle of disengaged worker-bee employees mindlessly punching a clock…

You will have a well-trained, finely-tuned, powerful and productive TEAM totally empowered and thrilled to not only do their best work everyday, but to help you achieve YOUR goals.

Accelerated TEAM Mastery is a high-impact event happening June 10th & 11th live online - so you can participate from the comfort of your own home or office - that could change the way you view your practice, and more importantly your TEAM, forever.

It’s called Accelerated TEAM Mastery because it is the quickest way for you and your TEAM to master the skills and knowledge that will transform them into a squad of supercharged, excited professionals who work together to deliver the highest quality of service possible -- strengthening your reputation, and turning patients into lifelong, dedicated clients and champions of your brand....

And as a result...

Freeing you up to live and enjoy your life, while your business works for you.

Discover how even the most frustrated and (formerly) overworked Chiropractors are using my PROVEN system to transform their practices into lucrative businesses with a healthy, effective, high-performing TEAM that runs (almost) on auto-pilot even in 2021.

Even better...this “System” is as plug-and-play as it gets...It doesn’t require months or days of useless rah-rah “team-building” or mind-numbing “educational” seminars…

In fact, after just 12-hours you will possess the exact tools you need to have a TEAM that isn’t merely a gaggle of disengaged worker-bee employees mindlessly punching a clock…

You will have a well-trained, finely-tuned, powerful and productive TEAM totally empowered and thrilled to not only do their best work everyday, but to help you achieve YOUR goals.

Accelerated TEAM Mastery is a high-impact event happening June 10th & 11th live online - so you can participate from the comfort of your own home or office - that could change the way you view your practice, and more importantly your TEAM, forever.

It’s called Accelerated TEAM Mastery because it is the quickest way for you and your TEAM to master the skills and knowledge that will transform them into a squad of supercharged, excited professionals who work together to deliver the highest quality of service possible -- strengthening your reputation, and turning patients into lifelong, dedicated clients and champions of your brand....

And as a result...

Freeing you up to live and enjoy your life, while your business works for you.

Dear Friend,

If you have been hoping for the perfect way to transform your practice into a meaningful, high-impact business that really works for you (and not the other way around) then this might be the most exciting message you’ve ever read.

In fact, this could be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for -- the one that could change your life FOREVER.

Let’s face it, most Chiropractors are using a broken model - and many don’t even realize it.

Most of us got into practice because we really wanted to help people, we want a lifestyle with a high degree of autonomy and freedom, and we want to make really good money at the same time.

Hi, I'm Dr. Tom Preston...

And before I created what would become Accelerated TEAM Mastery, I was struggling with my Chiro Practice. I was working 60-80 hours a week - patient work, back office work, marketing work - I’d forgotten what weekends even were.

See, I wanted my life’s work to have a large and lasting impact on others. I wanted to be a pillar of my community...to see the smiling faces of the people whose lives I’ve improved at the grocery store.

I wanted to feel confident that I had left a mark and improved my little corner of the world.

And the way that I tried to accomplish that was to just suck-it-up-buttercup and do the work.

See more patients. Work longer. Do more.

And it did work...until it didn’t.

Dear Friend,

If you have been hoping for the perfect way to transform your practice into a meaningful, high-impact business that really works for you (and not the other way around) then this might be the most exciting message you’ve ever read.

In fact, this could be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for -- the one that could change your life FOREVER.

Let’s face it, most Chiropractors are using a broken model - and many don’t even realize it.

Most of us got into practice because we really wanted to help people, we want a lifestyle with a high degree of autonomy and freedom, and we want to make really good money at the same time.


Hi, I'm Dr. Tom Preston...

And before I created what would become Accelerated TEAM Mastery, I was struggling with my Chiro Practice. I was working 60-80 hours a week - patient work, back office work, marketing work - I’d forgotten what weekends even were.

See, I wanted my life’s work to have a large and lasting impact on others. I wanted to be a pillar of my community...to see the smiling faces of the people whose lives I’ve improved at the grocery store.

I wanted to feel confident that I had left a mark and improved my little corner of the world.

And the way that I tried to accomplish that was to just suck-it-up-buttercup and do the work.

See more patients. Work longer. Do more.

And it did work...until it didn’t.

Sure, I had all the appearances of a successful practice - I was impacting lives, I had a few employees, I was making good money, I felt like I had broken through some barriers that had kept me from growing. I was able to buy a nice house, upgrade my ride, and I was helping a lot of people who had been living in pain.

But contrary to popular belief - helping people and making a lot of money aren’t the only keys to a good living.

And one day it hit me - despite all of my apparent success - at some point I had quit building a successful business and...

Started building my own prison.

See, I had chained myself to my practice. All of my hard work wasn’t paying off because it was actually just creating more work for myself - building up razor-wire topped walls that I couldn’t see a way out of.

I had built myself a job that I had never signed up for. I was working more for my business than my business was working for me. Maybe you can relate...

This led me to question everything I knew about running a Chiropractic Office. Nothing I had learned in school had prepared me for the overwhelm I was feeling as the business grew.

I realized I bought into one of the biggest myths out there…

The lie that if you own your own practice, hire people as it grows, and work hard and run it for years, then one day when you’re like 65+ you can retire and be free to do whatever you want.

The problem is, that big dream doesn’t account for what usually happens about halfway there - BURNOUT.

I was the definition of burnout - stressed, always working, never seeing my family, angry at my employees and patients. I was missing out on the best years of my life, hoping to make up for it in my last years (if the stress didn’t kill me first).

I was the definition of burnout - stressed, always working, never seeing my family, angry at my employees and patients. I was missing out on the best years of my life, hoping to make up for it in my last years (if the stress didn’t kill me first).

I didn’t know what to do. I had never faced this kind of challenge before.

One thing was certain though - I had to change what I was doing. I had to refocus on why I opened my own practice in the first place... I had to realign my actions to my actual main goals...and that was MEANING and FREEDOM.

Isn’t that what we all want? Isn’t that the measure of a truly successful business owner? I don’t know about you, but for me it got to the point where I resented the so-called success I was having, because it wasn’t what I was truly aiming for.

Frustrated, I realized I had two choices - either shut it all down… Or figure out how to get free of the trap that I’d set for myself.

Well, obviously, I really only had one choice.

I knew there just had to be a way to continue to provide my valuable and life-changing services to as many people as possible, and free myself at the same time.

I had to go all in.

I began by quizzing other successful Chiropractors to see what they were doing. I devoured books, hired coaches. I expanded my search into other industries - talking to other entrepreneurs and business owners. I even studied enough human behavior theory and psychology to contemplate printing myself a certificate to hang on the wall.

Gradually, I just started trying new things. Some worked, some were near-catastrophic failures.

But every time I learned from it.

As I tried implementing these new ideas into my practice over time things just felt better. I started to feel less stressed. My employees seemed happier. We were able to see more patients. My income was going up.

And one day I looked up and realized that my life was unlike any other business owner I knew.

You probably know what I mean. If you’ve talked with a lot of other business owners, or maybe as a business owner yourself, then you know what they go through. They work long, exhausting hours. They barely know their kids.

A lot of times, their health suffers - high blood pressure from the anxiety, stress, and long hours. And the saddest part is that a lot of them drop dead before they ever get to reap the rewards and enjoy their wealth because they were always working so hard, by the time “someday” came, they had run themselves into the ground.

But my life was suddenly no longer on that path.

I was earning more than I ever had in my career, my TEAM had leveled up big time, and work became fun and enjoyable again - and I was able to make a far greater impact than I could alone.

I realized that when you are able to align your TEAM and your business to achieve your goals, you actually start to look forward to getting up in the morning and going to work!

The tightness in my shoulders caused by stress had melted away. I was able to drastically reduce my hours - while my practice saw more patients than ever - because I knew my TEAM had it under control.

I was able to see my family while it was still daylight out.

I finally felt like a successful entrepreneur.

Because of the work I had done on my business, soon I was raking in six-figures while working just 25 hours a week and I was able to take my family on a few months of holiday each year.

Well, others began to notice my success and soon I started to get calls from people all over the world asking, “How do you do it?”

I’d answer their questions and try my best to help them, but pretty soon it got to a point where I had to decide if I was going to keep doing what I had been doing, or teach others how I had gotten there.

For me it came down to: What would have the most IMPACT?

So, several years ago, I sold my practices in order to devote my time to helping others design and manifest their ideal lives.

When you have a well-run practice that relies more on a TEAM than the owner, you will own a real asset that someone else will pay you a lot of money for.

I was able to make a healthy exit from practicing Chiropractic (mainly because of the systems and TEAMs that I had built) and started coaching ambitious business owners full-time.

And that’s exactly why I want to share with you the secret to creating an empowered, well-trained, and inspired TEAM that would work with you instead of for you...

See, with my 30+ years in the healthcare field, I know that most Chiro offices have employees or staff. Most don’t truly have a TEAM.

And there is a BIG difference.

A staff will show up, clock in, and put in work, but they have no idea if they are doing what really needs to be done. They don’t have a vision for the future of the practice. They probably aren’t specifically trained in what they’re actually doing. They’re winging it a lot of the time. They aren’t champions of the culture you want (if they even know what it is).

If you have a staff instead of a TEAM then...

  • You don’t know EXACTLY what you want them to be doing

  • You don’t have a proven system for consistent effective training

  • ● You learned how to manage your staff “on the job” through trial and error

  • ● You’re spending excessive time managing them (without low Return On Effort)

  • ● You feel like its a group of independent workers occupying the same office

  • ● You’re not sure if they are compensated effectively

  • ● You get frustrated with communication disconnects

  • ● Your bottom-line isn’t reflecting the size or apparent quality of your staff

  • ● You have trouble getting employees to stick around for the long run

  • ● Even though employees leave frequently, you don’t have a “bench” to replace or upgrade employees who leave

  • ● You find yourself working more - despite hiring more people to take over tasks

  • ● You mistake busy-ness for productivity

Listen, if any of those sound like you, don’t get too hard on yourself because, until now, it’s not your fault. You’ve just been doing what you could with what you know.

Most business owners are great at their trade...a great Chiropractor, a great Dentist, a great GP…

But when it comes to managing the team that works for them, they are at a loss

Most of us don’t have a degree in Human