With Limited Time and No Budget and
Even if You Currently Have ‘Sub-Par’ Employees
With Limited Time and
No Budget and
Even if You Currently Have
‘Sub-Par’ Employees
And before I created what would become Accelerated TEAM Mastery, I was struggling with my Chiro Practice. I was working 60-80 hours a week - patient work, back office work, marketing work - I’d forgotten what weekends even were.
See, I wanted my life’s work to have a large and lasting impact on others. I wanted to be a pillar of my community...to see the smiling faces of the people whose lives I’ve improved at the grocery store.
I wanted to feel confident that I had left a mark and improved my little corner of the world.
And the way that I tried to accomplish that was to just suck-it-up-buttercup and do the work.
See more patients. Work longer. Do more.
Hi, I'm Dr. Tom Preston...
And before I created what would become Accelerated TEAM Mastery, I was struggling with my Chiro Practice. I was working 60-80 hours a week - patient work, back office work, marketing work - I’d forgotten what weekends even were.
See, I wanted my life’s work to have a large and lasting impact on others. I wanted to be a pillar of my community...to see the smiling faces of the people whose lives I’ve improved at the grocery store.
I wanted to feel confident that I had left a mark and improved my little corner of the world.
And the way that I tried to accomplish that was to just suck-it-up-buttercup and do the work.
See more patients. Work longer. Do more.
And it did work...until it didn’t.
Most business owners are great at their trade...a great Chiropractor, a great Dentist, a great GP…
But when it comes to managing the team that works for them, they are at a loss
Most of us don’t have a degree in Human